Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Anonymous Losing Boy Wrestler

Kailey Rees: So this is one of my favorite pictures because right before we started wrestling he came up and asked me if he was wrestling me. After I said yes he was talking with his mom and some kids and was saying girls shouldn't wrestle they will get hurt. His mom said well she's playing a boys sport and something about go out there and show her its a boys sport. I really wasn't squeezing that hard and he was making all kinds of noises. I pinned him and got first at that tournament.
(This is not the boy in the story)

There are two sides to every story and I always try to interview the boy. Rarely am I successful. Most of the time I ask the girl what the boy was thinking during the match, and I always find it fascinating. So when a boy from the group Wrestlers Only contacted me and asked if I would write a story about why he doesn't think girls should wrestle boys, I was intrigued.

But this blog is not about me...its about the girl wrestlers. So I let them decide. While the parents and coaches didn't want me to write this blog, the girls did. So here it is.
This is his story. '

The Anonymous Losing Boy Wrestler

To me this is the most iconic girl wrestling photo ever. (This is not the boy)

The boy looked in the mirror and described himself for me. He said, "I'm white, good looking, an average athlete, not bad not great. I'm never the worst player on any team but I'm not the best. I've had a few girlfriends and a lot of friends." I asked him if he thinks people would consider him close minded and he said, "I have gay friends and black friends so I really don't think so. I also believe women should make the same as men when we group up if they do the same work. I would tell you if I felt differently."
These are his words. They have been edited but he's agreed they are fair.

"Look. Its not that I don't think girls should wrestle. Of course they should. But they should do whatever it takes to get enough girls to wrestle so they wrestle each other. I'm not one of those guys that think girls belong in the kitchen and "make me a sandwich." Honestly, I hate those kind of deushes. Like you're not funny. But this is different. I'm not trying to keep down girls here. I'm trying to keep it fair.

I wrestled two girls and both times it made me want to quit the sport. I didn't want to wrestle them beforehand, and I hated dealing with it after. You should know, I'm an asshole when it comes to wrestling. I'm not great, not bad but I 100% believe in psyching out your opponent. This happened to me my first year and I swore I'd never let someone intimidate me again. And then I realized, why not do it to my opponent. So I always look for a weakness. I don't apologize for that at all. "
I then asked him to describe the matches.

First match vs. a girl from a prior season.
"I'm not gonna lie, this girl is hot AF. I couldn't believe she was a wrestler. I honestly think she could be a model one day. She's the hottest girl I ever saw in my life. I see her warming up and my only thought is, "please not me. I don't want to wrestle this girl."
I know that may seem weird since I'm a guy and she's hot AF but while it would be fun to roll around with her outside of the mats, the last thing I want to do is wrestle her in front of everyone. Its a no win situation for me. I'm not worried about losing to her, but when I win no one will even care. I live for the high fives and celebrations we do after we win. Here I'm going to get shit no matter how quickly I beat her. To make matters worse my new girlfriend is there. She's trash talking me. We are very playful. She said, "If you lose to her, you lose me also." I laughed because there was no way I was going to lose.

I see her warming up in a common area so I go over. I start warming up hardcore. Squats, pushups, situps. I want her to notice me. I start talking loud to my teammates. I say some stupid shit. Like stuff I'm embarrassed about, not just because I lost, but because I'm not that guy. I just wanted to get in her head. (I asked him several times what he said but he didn't want to say. Finally he relented when I reminded him that the only way this story works is total truth and he admitted to saying, "should I pin her in 40 seconds or tech her and have fun?") As soon as I said it loud enough for her to hear I regretted it. While I don't want her to wrestle boys, I don't want to be that guy that makes her hate the sport. I also do respect girls and what I said was not respectful. I should have found a different way to intimidate her. Had I won, I would have apologized.

Anyways we get to the mat and I can see she's angry with what I said. I actually feel so weird right now. I'm nervous that I have to wrestle a girl, I feel guilty for what I said and I'm worried my girlfriend will get mad because she's so hot. Like its stupid I know but these were my thoughts.

So we start and I'm like WTF?!? I wasn't stronger than her. Like I thought I'd just throw her down and pin her. But she was just as strong as most of the guys I wrestle. And she was better than them. She took me down and I couldn't move. Like WTF is happening right now? And here's the crazy thing. When you are wrestling your eyes take you where they take you. You pay them no mind. But when you're losing to a girl, its totally different. You can't look at your team. You can't look in the stands. You can't look at her. I was just looking either at the floor or the ceiling so I wouldn't make eye contact. And this sounds like an excuse but its not. That had a terrible effect on the match. So you don't think its an excuse, I probably would have lost anyways, but the point is I didn't try to get out, I tried to hide my embarrassment.

I just remember flailing my legs and trying to move my chest up but ugh. She used her strength to keep me down. Like she had leverage but it wasn't hard for her. The ref called the pin and I was distraught. Luckily there were multiple teams there and I was able to hide. And by hide I mean literally hide. I was a ghost. I was distraught. My girlfriend found me and tried to make me feel better but it just made it worse. The girl who beat me was beaming the rest of the day. She was joking, laughing and it just sucked. I knew by her beating me it made her day which made me more upset. I found out her name, and my match can be found on social media. (He showed me it) I later found out the match lasted for a very short time. I know how many seconds, I'm not gonna say. Everything sucked for a few days.

Eventually you get over it but people teased me for a long time. My girlfriend teased me for a long time. We broke up a few months later and she even referenced what a dick I was that day after I lost. I never really thought about quitting, but I really wanted to.

Match #2- This season:
This was terrible. I saw I was wrestling a girl and I couldn't believe how unlucky I am. We had a girl tryout and thank God she quit. Now I have to deal with this again? I told my coach I was feeling sick and he literally smacked me in the back of the head and said, "Here's your chance for redemption. Don't be a pussy. Being a coward is far worse than losing. Treat her with respect this time." It wasn't the same girl but his point was made. I was out for blood. Literally, I didn't care if I drew blood, I just needed a win. And it needed to be easy. I couldn't be the guy who lost to two different girls. I squeezed her hand like my life depended on it and the match was underway. This girl was mad strong too. Like WTF?!?!? If it was against a guy it would have been such a fun match in a way. We were just going at it like I never went at it before. It was almost just a battle of strength. We were grunting and God I'm so dumb. So fucking dumb. While I was trying to prove I'm stronger, I didn't realize she was trying to wrestle. So she let go of me, shot and put me on my back. She rode me around and got more points. The score was 5 or 6 nothing at the end of the first. I was so gassed. And this is my second excuse. Had this been a boy, I wouldn't have tried to beat him on brute strength. Me and the girl were probably even in strength. If it was a boy, I would have realized to stop and to wrestle. Like she did. But because she is a girl, I decided I needed to prove to her my strength.
Excuse #2. I was so gassed because I was so embarrassed. Being embarrassed is very tiring. Your mind and body aren't in synch. During a match I just go. I never think of anything else. But here I'm thinking of a million things. What girls are watching, will my life be over again, what is the girl thinking? If this was a boy I would have thought, "Eh he caught me in Round 1. I'll do the same in Round 2."

But because its a girl and it was the second time, I was panicking. I started up the second round because I knew if she got me down I couldn't escape. But she reversed it quickly. I don't remember much else, I just remember hearing the crowd go nuts as she pinned me. My handshake went from being like a bear to not looking at her and not wanting to touch her hand. She squeezed which sucked because I wasn't even looking. I think that was a message but I don't know. I didn't ask.

So I'm the guy who lost to two girls. The season is actually going ok but I know I wrestle one of those two girls again. I'm not saying which. I will 100% be sick the day before, and the day of the match. I have it all planned out. As much as I want to beat them, I can't lose to them again.

And that's why girls shouldn't wrestle boys. Because now I have to miss out? Let them have their own teams. Let them have their own league? If they can't get the #'s, then its their fault, not mine.

And its not fair my gameplan has to change with them. Sure it shouldn't and sure I should just be smart and treat them like wrestlers. But they are girl wrestlers. They are not just wrestlers. Cue the girls saying they are. I don't give a shit. Because are they going to go to my team, my girlfriend, the girls that watched and stop them from making fun of me? No, they won't. So I have to deal with the consequences. And trust me, there are many.

But I do I want it known I don't hate them. I mean I really dislike the first girl that beat me for blasting it on social media. She's kinda a bitch. But in general I don't hate girl wrestlers. I just think they should stick to wrestling other girls. And I want to clear something up now that I re-read what I wrote. I'm not making excuses for the matches I lost. They are part of the reasons why I lost. A better wrestler wouldn't care about the stigma and would have focused on getting out of the pin. But I'm a mediocre wrestler. As are a lot of boys that girls beat. Which is why I don't feel they should wrestle boys.
 I hope this story gets more girls to wrestle so we never have to wrestle them again.

The aftermath:
I followed up his story with some questions.
Me:  Do you feel you are being sexist and unsympathetic?
Him: I mean sure, I guess. Not believing in 100% equality would be sexist. But I feel you and the girls are being unsympathetic to me and my plight.

Me: Do you respect women and their strength more? Both girls you lost to are good wrestlers. I'm Facebook friends with them and they win more than they lose.
Him: I hate to admit it but yes. I don't assume I'm stronger than every girl just because I'm a guy. I actually would never challenge another girl because I can't stand losing to them. And now when I see athletic girls I always wonder can I do what they can?

Me: You said some pictures upset you. Why?
Him: You know why. The pictures that get the most likes seem to be the ones with a boy in it looking upset. One of the girls even said they loved it because of how defeated he looked. You may not want to believe this but the girl wrestlers are cocky bitches when they win. They are. They will say they're not, but they are. If those two girls found out how upset I was, they would be THRILLED. This is exactly why we need to end this. Its not fair to the boys.  

Samantha's Take:

I'm taking a lot of flak for giving this boy a voice. I honestly don't understand why. I certainly don't agree with his opinion, but I don't see any harm letting him share it. I don't think one girl is going to quit over his story. But this is a girls wrestling blog and I asked girls to send me their favorite picture so I can include it in the story. Because the end of the day, lets celebrate that we belong, no matter what others think! 
I like this picture because you can see the referees surprise in the moment just before he slaps the mat. Also, you can see the guys struggle, elbowing my face, flailing his legs, etc.
Savvy: I really like this photo because it shows were are not a boy and a girl wrestling, but just two wrestlers going at it. Off the mat we are best friends, but on the mat, we are both wrestlers. 
Makayla Morris: I love this picture because within two years of wrestling I was able to win girls state, place top three at national tournaments and get recruited to wrestle at Wentworth Military Academy. No matter how far you think you have to go, it's never as far as you have come.
Kylah Holka: I like this picture because when this kid saw he had to wrestle me, he was saying to his friend, "This is gonna be an easy win,its a girl." He was saying exact moves he was going to do right in front of me. He kept coming near me and laughing so when I got onto the mat I shook his hand and knew even if I do lose I'm not gonna let him think it was "easy." We started wrestling and I pinned him. When we got up he didn't even shake my hand. He ripped his singlet down and ran off the mat crying. His coach said to him "You're never gonna underestimate a girl again now are you?" Later, he came over and apologized and said I was a lot better than he thought and he congratulated me. I was very happy to earn his respect
This match took me almost the whole time to win. I was almost beaten but when it came down to it I pulled a reverse. I wasn't sure I could complete and won by pin. It was my 1st year. The girl had pinned me two tournaments prior, so I was out for that win.
My name is Markiya. This is my 4th year wrestling. I'm not the best but I don't give up. I was the 1st to start wrestling in my family! I am 8 yrs old.

Angel Ogden: I like this picture because even though the sport is mainly for guys, girls are stepping onto the mat everyday to train and prove their worth. Girls can dominate just as much as the guys can. And since the guys have a chance too, it should be equally right for the girls. ðŸ˜Œ Wrestling boys causes girls to become mentally and psychically tougher. I wrestle boys all season long and this was the result of wrestling a girl my actual weight for the first time after season.


  1. My teammates and I were talking earlier about high school and boys that we were wrestling. I can respect this boys point of view because I used to feel bad for the guys I beat, especially if they cried. However, it's extremely sexist and inconsiderate to say "if they don't have the numbers, not my problem." We don't wrestle men because we just really want to. We wrestle men because it's our only choice. We are trying to build women's wrestling, but we need to compete in the meantime, so during this time if you'd like to stop losing to girls, get better. Maybe start with your mental game.

    1. He is right and it is not true that whatever boys can do girls can do too. This only happens below 120 lb then they are in lower category. Why are all boys the champs. It is emasculating for a boy to lose but not for a girl. It is very hormonal for a boy but not for the girl. Making fun of them at this age leads to either fetish of molested and abusing women later in life.


  2. This is just another symptom of bad parenting for too many US kids nowadays. No wonder they're all so lost and rank so low on international IQ tests.

  3. I agree with the guys comment, when these boys grow into
    men the humiliation they suffered at a young age will bring some of them to hate females. All this liberal feminist bullshit men and women are equal is stupid. God made man stronger for a reason, to be the provider and the woman to be the keeper, we are not equal and that the way God intended it, God says men and women should be treated with equality, that means respecting each other, which means equality does not mean equal. We keep going down this path the end result is is total destruction of society. Do you remember Jurassic park when Jeff Goldbloom said in your quest to make dinosaurs, you forgot to ask yourself should we. You catching my point. Men fighting, wrestling, bjj,boxing, whatever is an abomination to God, SIN !!! As a society we need to spend a little less time worrying about who can beat who and more time seeking God's will. Wake up ladies, just because you can beat up a boy/man doesn't mean you should,and the repercussions on you and men will destroy you both. Get off social media, and seek God's word and we will all have a better understanding who and what we need to be in his eyes not societies. God bless and thank you, retired Navy Chief Gunners Mate.

  4. I meant women fighting men is an abomination, just to make it clear.

  5. Cunts should stick to wrestling other cunts.

  6. If there is a lack of girls to wrestle boys I understand they should be able to wrestle with the boys. I think they should try and get a girls team going and when all options have failed, be allowed to wrestle boys. Do I believe it should be the norm? No not at all. As this boy’s story shows it creates an internal conflict within boys and men as it’s in our biological nature to want to protect women and children. This poor boy couldn’t focus worth a crap during the matches and was trying fight with emotion instead of hard work and skill. The girls being boastful afterwards is very unsportsmanlike. Although it’s typical immaturity they are at that age. This in no way helps with women’s liberation. Equality for women has come a lot at the expense of men but this is just ridiculous. Now girls are complaining about how unfair it is for trans boys to be in girls sports. Making this blog very hypocritical. When it comes to sports, girls can’t have their cake and eat it to. If trans boys can’t be in girls sports, girls shouldn’t be allowed to wrestle boys, join the football team or the boys hockey team. Sure girls wrestling boys has become more acceptable over the years but people’s mentality about it hasn’t. The boy wins and crowd is silent or you hear a couples boo’s. Girl wins and the crowd goes wild. All of this needs to stop. It has nothing to do with sexism and more to do with dignity and respect between the genders.

  7. If there is a lack of girls to wrestle boys I understand they should be able to wrestle with the boys. I think they should try and get a girls team going and when all options have failed, be allowed to wrestle boys. Do I believe it should be the norm? No not at all. As this boy’s story shows it creates an internal conflict within boys and men as it’s in our biological nature to want to protect women and children. This poor boy couldn’t focus worth a crap during the matches and was trying fight with emotion instead of hard work and skill. The girls being boastful afterwards is very unsportsmanlike. Although it’s typical immaturity they are at that age. This in no way helps with women’s liberation. Equality for women has come a lot at the expense of men but this is just ridiculous. Now girls are complaining about how unfair it is for trans boys to be in girls sports. Making this blog very hypocritical. When it comes to sports, girls can’t have their cake and eat it to. If trans boys can’t be in girls sports, girls shouldn’t be allowed to wrestle boys, join the football team or the boys hockey team. Sure girls wrestling boys has become more acceptable over the years but people’s mentality about it hasn’t. The boy wins and crowd is silent or you hear a couples boo’s. Girl wins and the crowd goes wild. All of this needs to stop. It has nothing to do with sexism and more to do with dignity and respect between the genders.

  8. I had to wrestle against a female wrestler in the middle 90's. The first time I wrestled her, we were both new to varsity wrestling. I was in 10th grade and she was in 9th grade. I eeked out a 1 point win with riding time at the end. The following spring I had to wrestle her in the sectionals. She really improved over the course of the season and this time she beat me and it wasn't ever close. (more than 10 points). We both knew she was better after this win. In my 11th grade I had to face her 3 more times and in my 12th grade I had to wrestle her 2 more times all with the same results. The are a few girls who can dominate in wrestling it seems.
